Expert pricing, economic regulation and investment analysis for
energy and water businesses, governments, and investors.

A Business of Two Pauls

Wedgewood White Ltd is owned and operated by Paul Webber and Paul White.  We met at university in 1989 and have been friends ever since.  Wedgewood White Ltd was formed in 2000.

Over more than 20 years we’ve developed a network of excellent people we can call on to enhance our team.  But most of the time it’s just us. 

We like being small: it gives us flexibility to choose interesting engagements and the opportunity to deliver them well.

Economic Regulation

We are experts in tariff design, economic regulation of infrastructure and drafting submissions for price reviews.

We can be expert witnesses on pricing and regulation matters, or sit in the background building a tariff model or helping with regulatory strategy.

Because we’re both qualified in engineering and commercial disciplines, we can help translate between your technical team, the finance and treasury function and economic regulators.

Investment Analysis

We provide high quality financial and economic analysis of infrastructure projects.  We’re geeks: we can use Monte Carlo, real options analysis and other techniques to capture the impact of uncertainty.  But we can also talk to decision makers in plain English.

We are experienced at developing business cases for infrastructure projects for managers and boards of utilities, private investors, government owners, and multilateral lending organisations.